
Online Events

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Online Events

Online events can have very specific requirements. This starts with a login code instead of a ticket and ends with automatic participant registration

If you activate the online event function, you can, for example, define or automatically generate access links in entrello, which your visitors then receive so that they can, for example, dial into a closed Zoom meeting

Booking Level and Stats

  1. manage your campaigns, promo codes and booking levels

Target audience

  1. Create campaigns that line up with your visitors wishes
  2. Plan campaigns in advance and analyse their efficiency

Content Creation and Distribution

  1. Easily distribute your promo-codes and newsletter to your audience
  2. Say goodbay to mailchimp and co. we offer you a fully features newsletter system
Partners trusting us
These are some partners, successfully selling tickets and managing events with entrello.
Get in touch with us now

Book a demo session. We'll briefly show you the best of entrello, help you understand how you can better promote your event and answer your questions