
Small Theatres

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Case Studies

Small Theatres

A small theatre is running their ticket sales not from a dedicated box office. It rather tries to achieve a full sold out event with very small staff.

If you are running a small theatre, you might be looking for some real helper. Not just a ticketing system, but something, where you can keep a very good overview, of what's going on. Something suggesting things to you, some virtual collaborator doing the thinking and planning as much as possible. Because you have the important stuff to do anyways.


  1. Entrello notifies your visitors, so they will never forget a far away booked event

Reports and analytics

  1. Provide your accounting department the best data
  2. when collaborating with sales partners we offer you ready-to-go reports to clear your balance

Target audience

  1. Create campaigns that line up with your visitors wishes
  2. Plan campaigns in advance and analyse their efficiency
Partners trusting us
These are some partners, successfully selling tickets and managing events with entrello.
Get in touch with us now

Book a demo session. We'll briefly show you the best of entrello, help you understand how you can better promote your event and answer your questions